Since we’re not able to be together for a shifty, we thought we’d send along some quarantime questions to our co-workers to see what they’ve been up to. First up, Jessica Jelley.

What’s your position at the brewery? How does it look WFH edition?
I am the Public House Events Specialist at Angel City Brewery, I coordinate the festivals, events and programs at the brewery, in addition to managing the space rentals. It’s hard, lots of moving event dates and postponing things, but still planning for events for later in the year. The uncertainty is the hardest part, but I have a really supportive team.
Awww! We miss you too. So, what’s your go-to happy place at home?
It’s crafting and baking, I have always been handy with a sewing machine and glue gun, so it started with making a bunch of PPE masks to donate. Now I’m going through all the projects I started, but never finished, or put off making and am finally finishing them! Baking and cooking has always been something I do when I am stressed, I have made too many batches of cookies already. I love doing this while listening to audio-books, I’m a big fan of the library and check out a lot of different books online to listen to while I craft or cook.

And have you learned a new skill – language? Cooking? Etc.
I have; I am learning Adobe Illustrator for work, which I am really enjoying. I’m also learning the ukulele with online lessons, which I’ve always wanted to do. I was gifted with a ukulele last Christmas, so I feel like now is as good a time as any to pick it up.
How about one thing you’re feeling extra grateful for lately?
Honestly, my husband. He is my favorite person in the world and there is no one I would rather be stuck with all the time. I know that seems sappy, but he gets me and makes me laugh during these weird, ambiguous times.

What are you most looking forward to at the brewery post-isolation?
Helping coordinate a staff barbecue and getting a beer with my co-workers. They are all such wonderful people and I miss them all the time.