In honor of our Eastside Export Lager launch this Friday, January 17th, we thought you might want to get to know more about our new Eastside Series! Gather ’round, history nerds and beer geeks alike.
1. It’s a new beer series, based off of old world styles.
Born on the banks of the pre-concrete Los Angeles River, The Los Angeles Brewing Company’s Eastside Beer was brewed for citizens of a thirsty and expanding city. The Angel City Eastside Series is a revival of that classic brand. It harkens back to the early 20th century, before Hollywood was the Hollywood we know today. Sipping on these smooth, classic styles transports drinkers back to a time when brewers crafted beer to pay homage to their roots.
2. The first release is Export Lager.
We’re kicking Eastside off right – with a bright, medium-bodied lager that strikes the perfect balance with a slight hop bitterness, and a smooth malty finish, a nod to LA Brewing Company’s original lager.

3. The label is inspired by the freedom of the post-Prohibition era.
It’s been nearly 100 years since Prohibition plagued this country – but since those dry years, we’ve enjoyed the freedom to brew whatever the hell we want! The eagle on our Eastside cans represents the spirit of our craft, a freedom given to us by the abolishment of Prohibition. Cheers!
4. The cans are brewery-exclusive.
AKA you can only get your paws on this beer at the taproom. For now, we’re keeping this one exclusively between us and you.
5. We’re celebrating the can release with a secret speakeasy this Friday, January 17th!
Join us on January 17th for the can release! In true era style, there will be a few password-protected elements of the event for curious partygoers who keep their eyes out for clues.The event will feature performances by Toil and Trouble Burlesque, brewery-exclusive cans and music from Prohibition-era jazz purveyors Vignes Rooftop Revival.