As October comes to a close, we wanted to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped support the Keep A Breast Foundation during Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Just because the month is over, it doesn’t mean you can’t still get involved in educating and raising awareness about this important issue.
You can download their free Check Yourself! app which provides you with step by step directions on how to perform a monthly self-breast exam. Once you do that, you can get involved on social media by sharing your own #checkyourselfie to help raise awareness!
But why?
1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. This means it can happen to any woman. Sharing your own #checkyourselfie is a great way to remind the women and families in your networks to check in.
40% of diagnosed breast cancer cases occur in women who find their own lump. The Check Yourself! app teaches women how to do a self-check as well as schedule an automatic monthly reminder. The app and self-check help women to build a lasting relationship with their bodies and get to know what is “normal” for them. With a routine self-check, women are then able to detect changes at the earliest point possible and then have the highest chance of survival.
For more information on how you can continue supporting, visit www.keep-a-breast.org.