We’re very proud to be sponsoring the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon for the third year in a row – but this year, we’re not only sponsoring, we’re running the damn thing too.
Meet Angel City’s Elite Running Squad. Not only are they going to be running a cool 26.2 miles, most of them are going to do it after working St. Patrick’s Day at the brewery the night before.
So since they’re going to be repping the team next Sunday, we thought we’d introduce you to them, and give you a sense of what’s driving them (besides the beer at the Finish Line Festival, of course).

Q: How did you get into running?
Andrea Behm: I started running about three years ago – my sister called me and said, “I’m gonna run a half marathon, wanna do it with me?” I had never run for more than two minutes before. But it was always on my bucket list, so I downloaded some apps that teach you how to run and got into it that way!
Andres Vela: I grew up watching my brother and sister run in high school, attending their meets and races in both cross-country and track. I started doing 2ks and 5ks around 2nd grade and then years later did cross-country and track all four years of high school.
Shane Lopes: I’ve always been in sports when I was a kid and really got into running when I started track and field in middle school.
Q: Have you ever run a marathon before? If not, what’s the longest competition you’ve run?
AB: Yeah, my sister tricked me this time – she said she was going to run the LA Marathon, so I decided to do it with her. Two weeks before, I texted her and she had totally forgotten about it. I blame her!
AV: My freshman year in college I decided to do my first marathon, the 2012 LA Marathon. The most I had run before was just 13 miles on a practice run in high school once a year. That year I didn’t train too much and totally felt it at mile 18 where I got a full lower body cramp. my finish time was about 5:30:00.
SL: Never! the longest competition I’ve run was probably only a 5k. I’m more of a sprinter.
Q: What’s your goal this time?
AB: My goal is just to enjoy the experience and get a better time than I got last time.
AV: My goal this time is to not cramp up and to finish the marathon within 4 hours.
SL: My goal time is 3 hours but we’ll see about that.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about running?
AB: It’s really cool to see people come out to watch you – and they give you orange slices! And you get to literally run from the stadium to the ocean.
AV: What I enjoy most about running is that “runners high”. That point during or after a run where you feel exhilarated, like you can do almost anything, and never stop.
SL: It’s faster than walking.
Q: What beer are you going to be drinking at the finish line?
AB: I’m probably gonna have an IPA. Or maybe I’ll go balls-ass-crazy and get a SaazBerry! IPA’s my go to – if I’m happy, sad, or just ran 26 miles!
AV: I want to finish this race happy, and then be even happier and hoppier once I get my hands on some nice cold Angel City IPA.
SL: I’ll probably be getting down with the LAger or Saaz!
None of our brewers are running this year, but that’s ok – they’ve got enough on their plate already. Check out the video below to see how they stay in shape!
If you want to cheer on the Angel City crew, we’ve got you covered all the way along the course. Check us out at 33 Taps in Silverlake, where we’ll be talking about the beer, giving out samples, and cheering on the runners at the ONLY bar open along the route for the whole race.
Or find us at Mile 11 bringing the Arts District to Hollywood & Highland with DJ Michael Rockstar’s Sunday Morning Dance Party!
And of course we’ll be at the finish line and at after parties around Santa Monica, with plenty of beer to celebrate the victories. Come say hi to the team and grab a pint with them!