When we first opened our doors, there were only a few groups of employees: the brewers, the cleaners, the beer-slingers and everyone else. Now, there are over 80 staff members involved to keep things running like a well-oiled machine. Though we’re still a tight knit group, who is passionate about beer, we realize that for most people, working for Angel City is just one of many side-hustles – we have musicians, actors, artists and entrepreneurs– and we thought they deserved a little recognition for all of the badass work that they do here and out there.
Enter, our new blog series: My Hustle, where we introduce you to our staff and all of the awesome work they do, outside of these brewery walls. For our first blog in the series, we determined who we would interview, using a complicated formula and intense vetting process.* We chose Eden Carriedo, who in addition to being a barback extraordinaire, is also on-hand to care for you or your pet.

Dan Shapiro, Blog Writer and Human Interviewer: So you said you have four jobs?
Eden Carriedo: Yeah, I also work at an event medical company, so we run free medical tents at music festivals and concert. That one is called Rock Medicine. And then I also work at a veterinary clinic as a vet tech and also at an emergency department as an ER tech for humans.
DS: So you are fully qualified to bandage, and touch, and prod, and poke.
EC: Yes – animals, I can give them drugs; humans not quite yet. But I’m currently in transition, so I’ll actually be leaving the people-side and going to the animal-side.

DS: So you are planning on becoming a veterinarian – what inspired you to become a vet?
EC: I adopted this wonderful dog named Blue, that will not make space for me on the couch, but I love him anyways. I’ve been in emergency for three years, and I realized if I’m going to be a physician, I’d want to do it in a place where better preventative healthcare is encouraged, because sick care is not what I’m interested in. But I also found out I love animals. I was on the trajectory to go MD, or to be a paramedic before then.
DS: Do you have any other side-hustles besides Angel City?
EC: Yeah! Last year, I was the medical coordinator for the March for Science, so this year I have picked up the same thing again for that and for the Women’s March. I’d never really done something of that scale; it was like 50,000 people. But I think this year it’s going to be a lot easier. We have a lot more resources this year. But being a dog mom is the main hustle.
DS: OK, lightning round: everyone’s going to get asked these questions. What’s your favorite beer ever?
EC: Sierra Nevada Otra Ves – I always fall back on that one.
DS: If you could be anywhere on the earth right now, where would you be?
EC: I did a whole European tour a while back and I only had two days in Germany. I’ve wanted to go back since. So definitely either Berlin or Munich.
DS: What’s a fact about you that we should know?
EC: I tell awful jokes. I live with 10 people and they all hate my sense of humor. The jokes come out of me without thinking. I should get a hold on that.
If you want to learn more about the March for Science, check out their Facebook page. And if you happen to faint while out in the sun, make sure to thank Eden for her help!
*(We looked at the schedule and figured out who was coming in for work next).
Meet more of our talented staff in the My Hustle archives!