We couldn’t be more excited to host a (virtual) holiday market with our friends at the Los Angeles LGBT Center and hosting platform Lemonade. We are going to be highlighting vendors throughout the holiday season and beyond, by sitting down and asking some fun questions! We hope this provides a larger platform to encourage shopping local and supporting our neighbors.
Next up: Sodhipop!
(1) What is your name and pronouns? Business name?
Hiiiiiieeee! My name is Harpal Sodhi and my preferred pronouns are he/him but I am not bothered by she/her or they/them. I just use my name as the name of my business but I’ve had the moniker Sodhipop for some time now.

(2) We are thrilled you are participating(/participated) in the Close to Home market! What kind of art/product do you make?
Thank you so very much for including me, I always appreciate an effort to cultivate and create community, especially during this nutso year.
I make stained glass creations! Everything from necklaces that focus on LGBTQ history, as well as sun-catchers, panels, home decor objects like mirrors, and larger commissioned pieces.

(3) How long have you been doing it? How did you get into it?
I guess it’s been about five years now, which seems crazy. It’s funny, time is such a weird thing out here in LA. When it’s 72 and sunny almost every day, you really do lose your sense of time and the years just tick right on by.
As far as how I got into it, I can honestly say that I’ve been drawn to color and light for some time now. I think I’ve always noticed stained glass from afar, especially when traveling and seeing churches from a distance.
Then, one summer, I went to Barcelona and got to see Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia and was blown away! I came back to LA and took a few classes and, voila, the spark was lit!
For me, the reason I love stained glass so much is because the interplay of color and light that it offers is like chemistry! You mix the two together and you get pure joy and happiness. It brightens up a space, it can brighten up your mood, and oh my goodness, the reflections they cast are so dreamy luscious.

(4) What was #1 your 2020 wrapped Spotify list? (we don’t judge.)
Oh my goddess, I’m the worst.
Grandma over here still uses Apple Music. I used to use Spotify all the time but tried Apple Music and kinda forgot to switch back. I swear I’m moving back to Spotify after seeing everyone’s roundup this year on Instagram. I got major FOMO.
But, to answer your question, I’ve had Tame Impala’s “The Slow Rush” on heavy repeat, as well as everything from Caribou, Rufus du Sol, and I will always take breaks with Janet Jackson, Madonna, and Fleetwood Mac. Omg, am I old? 😉

(5) Where can people follow you/find you on social channels/the internet highway?
I’m on ye olde gram of insta, @sodhipop and on Etsy!

You can catch Harpal, as well as a whole host of more artists and performers, through the weekend at the virtual Close to Home Holiday Market by RSVPing here. Catch you there!