I Vote Because
A Beer for the Informed Voter
A Beer for the Informed Voter
Saison w/ Lemon & GingerABV
limited 6-Packs / Draft / Growlers & CrowlersWe partnered with The League of Women Voters of Greater Los Angeles and Studio Number One (SNO) to bring you the election information you need… in the form of a beer, of course. LWV’s mission is to encourage informed and active participation in government, increase understanding of public policy issues and defend Democracy. SNO, a creative agency founded by artist Shepard Fairey and activist Amanda Fairey, designed the label to raise awareness about the importance of voting and making your voice heard!
Head to www.vote411.org to learn more and get yourself registered to vote!
As for the beer, I Vote Because is a simple yet refined Saison brewed with lemon peel and ginger aimed at blending those beautiful flavors and aromas into a light, easy going beer. Fragrant lemon zest aromas are upfront while herbal and slight bubblegum notes are also present. Citrus, spicy ginger and slightly sweet flavors make for a refreshing beer.